Thursday, February 9, 2012

Highschool Senior Protrait, Liz Lefebvre PhotographyOK, here is a small bit of advice when getting ready for a portrait shoot.

Clothing says a lot about a person. Even though many of us would like to think we look deeper than what one looks like before we form an opinion, we can't help but get an initial reaction from the first glance. This is why clothing is so important in showing who you are in a photo.

First thing to think about is who is going to see these photos. If you are doing a senior portrait, most likely your whole family with be treasuring these photos for years to come, not to mention it will be immortalized in your high school year book forever. Now, showing who you are and what makes you unique is important. It's a time in your life when you starting to figure out who you are, but are you always going to want to be remembered as the girl in barely any clothes?

That said, here are some things to avoid; yellow is a really bright color so people will instantly be drawn to the yellow in your shirt. I do not suggest yellow as a good color. Loud patterns take attention away from the subject, similar to what the color uses. Stripes don't make anyone look that good so avoid those as well.

Even after saying all this, there is always times when breaking these rules works really well. I always advise talking to your photographer before you go to a shoot and bring several options.

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